Driving in Houma Bad Weather
The normal speed limits that are posted on roadways are for average or normal weather. Anytime we have bad weather like fog, rainstorms, or very cold weather where there is ice on the roads, the operator of the motor vehicle has to reduce the vehicle to a reasonable speed to avoid any kind of hazards they may encounter.
An experienced car accident attorney could help you learn about the risks of driving in Houma bad weather. Evidence of adverse weather accidents includes weather records, videotape, witnesses, and traffic reports from state troopers. Contact Kopfler & Hermann today to learn more.
What Is the Weather Like in Houma?
Houma is a warm-weather climate. Therefore, most people do not expect to be driving in Houma bad weather. Occasionally, in the winter months, there will be icing on the roads, particularly after a sleet storm or ice storm. Most of the time, ice can be seen on overpasses, on controlled-access highways, or bridges that ice up before the roads do.
In contrast to some of the northern states, the highway department is just not equipped for snow and ice. Houma has some torrential rainfalls and hydroplaning can occur here as a result, so anyone who is operating a motor vehicle in a heavy rainstorm has to reduce their speed for safety.
In addition, in the winter months here, particularly after nightfall, there can be some very dense fog. Of course, that is like driving in a blinding rainstorm. Whoever is operating a motor vehicle on any of the roadways with fog is going to have to reduce their speed to the point where they can safely see ahead. That way they can bring their vehicle under control if someone else’s vehicle has broken down or there is a collision ahead.
Possible Damages from Weather-Related Collisions
Damages recovered from Houma bad weather accidents would be the same damages a person would recover in just about any motor vehicle crash case. That include lost earnings, past medical expenses, future medical expenses, general damages such as pain and suffering, mental pain and anguish, impairment of enjoyment of living, and disability.
It also includes impairment of the ability to earn money in the future, collision damages in the crash, loss of use of the vehicle while it’s being repaired or for a reasonable time in a total loss claim. In Louisiana, exemplary damages or punitive damages are only allowable in motor vehicle crashes when the at-fault party was intoxicated either due to alcohol or due to the use of narcotics or drugs.
The Dangers of Driving in High Water
People should heed warnings from state police and stay off roadways in adverse weather conditions, particularly during hurricanes with high winds on unprotected causeways over lakes, bays and rivers. Driving on Houma roadways with high water can be very risky because the depth of flooding often cannot be accurately assessed. Once the water level gets to about six or eight inches, it could potentially move a car off the roadway.
Learn More About Driving in Houma Bad Weather From an Attorney
There are a lot of bayous or streams in Louisiana, and if someone is operating a motor vehicle on a roadway covered with water adjacent to a bayou, there is no way the motorist can tell where the road ends and the bayou begins. Contact an attorney about acceptable tactics for driving in Houma bad weather.