Houma Deckhand Maritime Injury Lawyer
The maritime industry is a big part of the Houma and southern Louisiana economies. Thousands of area residents work in and around ships as deckhands, dock workers, and seamen. Maritime workers, particularly deckhands, face many risks at work every day. In fact, the maritime industry is considered one of the most dangerous industries for workers.
Many deckhands will sustain an injury at some point in their careers given the nature of the job. Most employees across Louisiana are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for the injuries or illnesses they sustain at work. However, if you are a seaman, you are not entitled to workers’ compensation for workplace injuries or occupational illnesses. Federal law does allow you to sue your employer for injuries that you suffer due to their negligence. These personal injury claims are vastly different from traditional workers’ compensation claims.
A Houma deckhand maritime injury lawyer can help you seek financial compensation for your injuries, loss of wages, and pain and suffering. Discuss your case with an experienced maritime lawyer and know that you are in capable hands.
Injured Deckhands’ Legal Rights
The Jones Act of 1920 is a federal law that protects seamen who suffer an injury in American waters. Under this law, any seaman who suffers an injury in the course of their work can sue their negligent employer. The term seaman is used often colloquially to refer to any maritime industry worker.
Legally though, the definition of seaman is vital to a claim under the Jones Act. According to this law, a seaman is someone who is “doing the ship’s work by contributing to the function of the vessel or the accomplishment of its mission.”
According to this definition, a deckhand qualifies as a seaman because of their job duties, which contribute to the functioning of the ship. Under the Jones Act, deckhands injured due to their employer’s negligence can sue their employer for financial compensation. A qualified Houma deckhand maritime injury attorney can help an individual file their case.
Defining Negligence
Generally speaking, negligence occurs when someone fails to uphold a duty they owe to another, and that duty causes injury to that other party. Employers owe a duty to provide a reasonably safe work environment to their workers. When an employer fails to take reasonable steps to protect their workers, their failure could cause serious injuries.
For example, maritime employers must follow industry regulations to ensure deckhands are not subjected to unnecessary risks, such as prolonged exposure to dangerous fumes. If an employer does not follow these regulations, and a deckhand is subsequently overexposed to fumes and develops an injury or illness, the employer acted negligently.
Financial Compensation for Deckhand Injuries
Injured deckhands can sue their employers for financial compensation related to their injuries. For example, injured deckhands in Houma typically sue for:
- Lost wages
- Loss of future income
- Medical bills
- Pain and suffering
Filing a lawsuit under the Jones Act can be complex because it is a federal, rather than a state, law. A Houma deckhand maritime injury attorney can help hurt deckhands get the compensation they need to move forward from their injuries.
Contact a Houma Deckhand Maritime Injury Attorney
If you or a loved one recently suffered an injury while working on a ship, call a Houma deckhand maritime injury lawyer today. You probably have questions about filing a lawsuit, such as how much compensation you could receive and how long it will take. An experienced maritime attorney can advise you on how to proceed with your case.