Lafourche Parish Dock Worker Accident Lawyer

As most maritime workers and their families know, not just anyone can do shipyard or dock work. This industry can be grueling and involves back-breaking work that only a trained dock worker should conduct.

If you suffered an injury on the job while employed as a dock worker, contact a Lafourche Parish dock worker accident lawyer who understands maritime law. An established maritime attorney could help you seek the compensation you need to pay medical bills, make up for lost wages, and cover other costs.

Federal Laws That Apply to Lafourche Parish Dock Workers

Even if a worker previously worked in the industry, they may not have the necessary experience for the specific job they are doing. Companies have a responsibility to make sure their workers have the necessary training and qualifications because small mistakes can have big costs—not just to injury victims and their families, but also the employers.

While in the past there has been some debate over whether Congress’s protections for maritime workers include those not working directly on vessels, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act generally includes dock workers who suffer injuries during their duties since dock work is no less dangerous than other maritime work. Injured employees should speak with a Lafourche Parish dock worker accident lawyer to begin understanding their rights. 

Vessel Negligence Claims

Any time a dockworker is injured while working on a vessel, the facts of the accident need to be carefully explored to determine if the vessel was negligent.  In that case the injured dockworker may be entitled to bring a claim for vessel negligence in addition to benefits from his employer under the LHCA.

If the vessel owner left a hazard aboard the vessel and did not warn the dockworker of the danger, there may be a claim for vessel negligence for injuries suffered.  If the crew members of the vessel negligently injure the dockworker aboard the vessel, this is another instance where the dockworker can make a claim for damages besides benefits under the LHCA.  The vessel can even be responsible for injuries if they fail to intervene and prevent activities they recognize are dangerous to the dockworker.

Common Causes of Dock Accidents in Louisiana

There are many factors that can influence dock conditions and whether a worker is likely to suffer an injury. Some of the circumstances that are more likely to lead to dock worker injuries in Lafourche Parish include but are not limited to:

  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Overcrowded workspaces
  • Poorly trained or irresponsible employees on a victim’s team
  • Inadequate maintenance of equipment and grounds
  • Poor lighting
  • Unsafe policies, such as not allowing workers to wear life jackets, immersion suits, or safety devices
  • Not following safe motor vehicle practices in shipyard
  • Failure to store chemicals, solvents, and toxins properly

Possible Damages for Shipyard Accident

Injured dock workers may receive for compensation for medical bills, lost wages, medication costs, physical therapy and rehabilitation expenses, and other damages. If a dock worker dies on the job, their family may be able to collect wrongful death benefits.

Talk to a Lafourche Parish Dock Worker Accident Attorney

No matter how serious the suffered injury is, or the type of accident, a Lafourche Parish dock accident lawyer could help.

Not all personal injury attorneys are well-versed in the specifics of dock work. While the principles of negligence and the duty that employers owe to their employees may be similar, it is important that any attorney handling a dock worker accident case in Lafourche Parish understand the ins and outs of the safety precautions the employer should be taking, as well as the type of environment in which the dock worker suffered an injury and why they suffered it.

A Lafourche Parish dock worker accident lawyer could analyze the circumstances of your dock accident and determine how best to proceed, evaluate whether you have a valid claim, and which set of laws dealing with negligence and maritime accidents is applicable.