Morgan City Shipyard Accident Lawyer 

There is no doubt about it, working in a shipyard is hard work. Shipyards are often hectic environments, full of hazards and heavy items. Workers are often hired to move large packages, dismantle equipment, and handle hazardous substances. The owners of shipyards are required to adequately train and educate their workers, and when mistakes are made they can be held liable in court.

When a shipyard worker is injured due to the negligence of another worker or their employer, the worker should contact a Morgan City shipyard accident lawyer. If you have been injured in this manner, keep reading to learn more about shipyard accidents and the law. Then contact a qualified maritime injury attorney who will work diligently on your behalf.

Shipyards and OSHA Regulations

Contrary to popular belief, the owners of shipyards are required to follow certain laws drafted by the Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration (OSHA). This administration has implemented a variety of laws meant to keep workers of all types safe at work. Shipyards are meant to use the appropriate signs, safety equipment, and chemical labels to keep their workers safe, and they are required to have a professional emergency rescue team on the premises at all times. Employers are also responsible for providing an adequate amount of safety training to employees.

Careless Employers

Unfortunately, some employers find safety precautions to be a waste of money, and they cut corners in to save. If a person is injured due to the behavior of a careless employer, they should hire a Morgan City shipyard accident lawyer. OSHA drafts laws regarding a plethora of common shipyard activities. Many of these laws govern the disposal of hazardous materials, flammable substances, and certain types of paints. In addition to the disposal of hazardous materials, OSHA laws also govern:

  • Cleaning and heavy lifting
  • Welding and heating
  • Surface preparation
  • Painting
  • Ladders and scaffolds
  • Conditions testing

These laws are meant to protect workers, and when they are violated, workers are exposed to numerous safety hazards. When an employer violates these safety laws, they can be held liable by a Morgan City shipyard accident lawyer.

Common Injuries Sustained by Shipyard Workers

Shipyard workers are often exposed to a variety of safety hazards on the surface of ships. They are often tasked with welding, which exposes them to high temperatures and the possibility of burns. They may also sustain injuries from falls such as spinal cord and head injuries, and workers have even lost limbs. Heavy lifting often results in sprains and dislocations that prevent workers from returning to work. These workers may also be exposed to the following types of injuries as well:

  • Back injuries
  • Cuts from sharp materials
  • Poisoning from toxic fumes
  • Broken bones

These injuries can be painful and expensive, and individuals are often left to pay for their own injuries. These injuries can prevent workers from living a normal life, and if they are serious enough, they may require long-term medical care and therapy. If an injured person wants to obtain the compensation they need to cover their medical bills, they may need to file suit with the help of a shipyard accident attorney in Morgan City.

Let a Morgan City Shipyard Accident Attorney Assist You

If you have been injured while working at or visiting a shipyard, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. More than likely, you are in pain and confused about your legal options, but you can take legal action against the person or party responsible for your suffering. Call a Morgan City shipyard accident lawyer today to learn more.