Thibodaux Commercial Trucking Accident Lawyer

The force and magnitude of a commercial truck colliding with a smaller passenger vehicle can cause serious injuries to the brain and spinal cord, as well as broken or amputated limbs. Even if an accident victim survives the crash, they often face many challenges down the line as they try to recover both physically and financially.

After such a serious accident, it may be important for you to obtain the assistance of legal counsel to make sure that your financial future is secure as you recover from the accident. A Thibodaux commercial trucking accident lawyer can evaluate your case and help you understand your rights and options for recovering compensation. Call today to set up a consultation with a skilled truck collision attorney.

Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

As much as everyone wants to avoid a trucking accident, sometimes they happen anyway due to negligence by the truck driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, or the roads those involved drive on. Some of the most common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Bad weather
  • Drugs or alcohol
  • Distracted driving
  • Poorly secured cargo
  • Fatigue
  • Poor maintenance
  • Faulty parts, especially brake failure

If a person is in a truck accident, they should first seek medical attention for any injuries, then immediately contact an experienced personal injury attorney. Trucking accidents are unlike typical car accidents in many ways, but one of the most potentially important to a personal injury case is the fact that several parties may be involved. An experienced Thibodaux trucking accident lawyer should know what is required to successfully litigate a trucking accident in Louisiana.

How Personal Injury Law Applies to Thibodaux Trucking Accidents

Louisiana’s personal injury laws cover truck accident cases. As established by these laws, a person must establish that the defendant was negligent in order to recover damages from them. Therefore, the plaintiff must prove that the truck driver had a duty to protect the plaintiff, the duty was breached, the injury was caused because of the breach, and that the plaintiff suffered physical damages.

If all these elements are met, a plaintiff has one year from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. This is called the statute of limitations. If a person waits until the statute of limitations expires before they file their lawsuit, their claim would likely be barred.

Also, since Louisiana is a comparative fault state, a plaintiff may be held partially liable for their own injuries. This does not mean that the plaintiff is not entitled to compensations. It simply means that a plaintiff’s damages would be reduced by their percentage of fault—for instance, if a jury or judge found a plaintiff to be 40 percent at fault, their final damage award would be reduced by 40 percent in value.

Talk to a Thibodaux Commercial Trucking Accident Attorney

It is important to act quickly in a trucking accident case. With the assistance of a skilled Thibodaux commercial trucking accident lawyer, you can rest assured that your case is in experienced hands.

A qualified attorney should work tirelessly to negotiate with the insurance company to come up with a fair and reasonable deal. If that is not possible, they can help you litigate your case all the way through trial. If you are interested in learning more about how a Thibodaux commercial trucking accident attorney can help, call today for a free consultation.