Assumption Parish Personal Injury Lawyer

Being in an accident can be overwhelming, particularly when it was caused by another individual’s reckless and careless actions. After an accident, you may suffer injuries causing you to miss work, incur hefty medical bills, and even face permanent disability. Know that a professional Assumption Parish personal injury lawyer can provide legal support for you after an accident.

They can meet with you and advise you on the appropriate steps to take following the events. In addition, a dedicated injury attorney can support you by collecting evidence, negotiating with aggressive insurance companies, and filing a personal injury claim to help you recover from your injuries and losses. Read on to learn more about how a skilled Assumption Parish personal injury lawyer can offer you their assistance today.

Personal Injury Liability in Assumption Parish

Although an injury can happen in almost any situation, there are some common types of accidents that may result in injury claims. These can include:

Know that a compassionate Assumption Parish personal injury lawyer can assist those who have been injured in these situations by providing aggressive representation in either a court or settlement proceeding.

What is Comparative Fault in an Accident?

Louisiana utilizes a system of fault known as comparative fault. This means that in an accident based on negligence, each party will be assigned a percentage of fault. Under Louisiana Laws Civil Code article 2323, if someone suffers injuries and losses as a result of their own negligence, the compensation they can recover for their damages will be reduced by an amount proportional to the percentage of their own negligence.

For example, if two drivers were in a car accident where both individuals claim that the other party caused or contributed to the accident and resulting damages, the court will look to each individual’s actions to determine their liability. If the court determines that one driver is 60% at fault for the accident, then whatever compensation they may be entitled to will be reduced by 60%. Therefore, it is critically important an injured plaintiff can prove the other party’s degree of liability. A seasoned Assumption Parish personal injury lawyer can be of great assistance in this regard.

What Are Recoverable Damages in an Accident Claim?

If a someone sustains an injury or suffers some loss because of another’s reckless actions, they are generally entitled to receive compensation for their damages. These can include their medical expenses, lost wages, disability, pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life.

When a court is determining the amount of damages an individual should receive, they try to return an injured party to the position they would have been in had the accident never occurred. This means that the court will not only look at damages that have already taken place, but will also look forward to allow someone to recover compensation for one’s future medical expenses, impaired earning capacity, and how a disability would impact their entire life.

How an Assumption Parish Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

An injury on the road, in the workplace, or because of medical malpractice can have a severe impact on your life in a physical, emotional, and financial way. However, there may be compensation available if your accident was the result of another’s negligence. An Assumption Parish personal injury attorney can meet with you to help guide you through the complex legal process of filing a personal injury claim. If you or a loved one was in an accident and have suffered an injury, do not wait to contact an aggressive Assumption Parish personal injury lawyer today for your initial consultation.