Hammond Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer

Handling a commercial tractor-trailer safely takes skill, judgment, proper loading, and excellent vehicle maintenance. If there is a failure of any one of these elements, the result can be a jackknife accident where the trailer swings out of its lane, potentially colliding with other vehicles.

A collision between a car and a fully loaded trailer can be catastrophic for both the smaller vehicle and any occupants. Vehicles could be destroyed, and people involved in the collision might suffer serious injury.

Another person’s negligence is often a factor in these cases. If you were injured in this kind of crash, a Hammond jackknife truck accident lawyer could determine the liability of the negligent party and help you receive compensation. Contact our firm to discuss your unique case with a skilled truck accident attorney.

Statute of Limitations

An accident victim could lose the right to sue and their leverage with insurance companies if they do not act quickly to assert a claim after an accident. The statute of limitations for personal injury claims under Louisiana Civil Code Article 3492 is one year from the date of an accident.

This is a short timeframe to gather evidence, tabulate the victim’s actual losses, identify potentially negligent parties, and prepare a winning case. In the case of serious injury, the injured party still may be recovering, and the long-term impact of the accident on their health and life may be uncertain.

An experienced Hammond attorney could protect a plaintiff’s rights by investigating the jackknife truck accident immediately after the initial consultation. Generally, the sooner a legal advocate can begin compiling information, the stronger the case will be.

Identifying Negligent Parties

A jackknife accident could have many causes, and often, a combination of factors lead to a crash. Identifying parties whose negligence contributed to an accident is a crucial first step in securing adequate compensation for the accident victim. There can be multiple negligent parties, and all of them could potentially be liable for damages. A Hammond attorney could focus the investigation on finding negligent parties and holding them accountable for the harm they caused in a jackknife truck accident.

Driver error is common in jackknife accidents, whether due to faulty judgment, inattentiveness, poor training, or impairment from alcohol or drugs. Although the truck driver might be a defendant in an accident case, especially if the driver is an independent contractor, a trucking company could be liable under vicarious liability. The company that trained the driver might be liable if the driver’s training did not adequately prepare them for the job.

If mechanical failure contributed to the jackknife, the manufacturer of a faulty part might have displayed negligence. Similarly, if poor or deferred maintenance is an issue, the person or company responsible for maintaining the truck could be liable. Shifting loads sometimes cause a jackknife, and in that case, the person or company that oversaw loading the truck could have liability.

A Skilled Hammond Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney Could Help You Move Forward

Recovery from serious injuries, like those often suffered by victims of jackknife accidents, requires significant experience and investment of time and money. An injured party should not attempt to negotiate with insurance or trucking companies while they are still healing, but should instead enlist the help of a legal professional to ensure that they get the compensation they deserve.

Preserve your rights and ease your recovery by consulting with a Hammond jackknife truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. Contact us at Kopfler & Hermann today to schedule a case review.