Livingston Parish Burn Injury Lawyer
Anyone who has suffered even a minor burn injury knows just how painful a burn injury can be. However, when a victim suffers a severe burn injury, the damage can be catastrophic.
If you or a loved one suffered a burn injury due to the negligence of another party, you might be eligible to seek compensation for your damages. A skilled Livingston Parish burn injury lawyer can provide you with legal options to move forward and determine whether you have a valid claim. Speaking with an experienced catastrophic injury attorney can help you better protect your rights and interests in court.
Determining Liability for an Accident
Burn injuries can be caused by several different parties and can occur in a myriad of ways. Some examples of parties who could bear liability for causing or contributing to a burn injury include but are not limited to:
- An employer, when a victim is burned on the job, such as by an explosion, chemical spill, or fire
- A product manufacturer, when a defective piece of machinery, vehicle, or other product malfunctions, explodes or catches fire
- A premises owner whose property is poorly maintained, not up to fire code, or lacks adequate sprinklers, fire extinguishers, exits, or fire escapes
- An insurer who is not living up to their policy obligations
- An individual responsible for causing a fire or burn injury, such as a negligent camper who failed to put out their campfire, or an arsonist
- A commercial parent company employing a negligent driver who caused an accident that led to a car fire
A dedicated Livingston Parish burn injury lawyer can investigate the circumstances of the injury, determine the responsible party and hold them accountable in court.
Comparative Negligence Rules
In some states, injured claimants, who are found to be partially at fault for causing their injuries, could be barred from recovering compensation. In the State of Louisiana, the negligence laws are much more generous to injured victims. Even if a defendant alleges that a burn victim caused their injuries, by trespassing or misusing a product, for instance, they may still be able to obtain compensation from the other negligent party.
Recoverable Damages for a Burn Injury
Burn injuries can cause life-long hardships for injured victims, such as other health complications, post-traumatic stress, pain, disability, scarring, and emotional distress, which can stay with them long after the injury heals.
Fortunately, with the help of a knowledgeable attorney, burn victims may be eligible to recover compensation of not only their monetary damages, such as lost wages, medical bills, skin grafts, and medical treatment but also their non-economic damages. For example, injured individuals could recoup compensation for damages such as emotional trauma, pain, and suffering, the loss of the ability to pursue a career, education, or hobbies, or simply a decreased quality of life.
Consult an Experienced Livingston Parish Burn Injury Attorney
A burn injury can seriously decrease an individual’s quality of life. An experienced Livingston Parish burn injury lawyer can help victims pursue the compensation they need and deserve.
Speak to a dedicated attorney to learn about your legal options and how to seek justice for your injuries. Call today to get started.