St. Tammany Parish Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when a trauma to the head disrupts the normal functioning of the brain. Some brain injuries are temporary while others may result in permanent life-altering health consequences or even death. Brain injuries can have significant physical, emotional, and cognitive effects on an affected person and recovery may be extremely difficult, potentially requiring continuing, specialized, and expensive care.

A successful financial judgment against the person responsible for your brain injury could help pay for that care. Contact a skilled St. Tammany Parish traumatic brain injury lawyer as soon as possible to see if pursuing a legal claim is a viable option for you and your family. With a seasoned catastrophic injury lawyer by your side, you may have a better chance of a successful outcome.

What Are Some Common Causes of Brain Injuries?

Any accident that forces a person’s brain to impact their skull walls can result in a traumatic brain injury. Some of the more common causes include:

  • Car accidents
  • Slips and falls
  • Acts of violence such as gunshot wounds or bludgeoning
  • Sport injuries such as concussions
  • Explosions: many Armed Forces members suffer traumatic brain injuries after being in the presence of explosions
  • Domestic violence

Often, brain injuries occur after bumps or blows to the head. Even if there are no outwardly visible signs of a head injury, there could still be a brain injury. Physical evidence of a brain injury often only appears on an MRI or other detailed head scan. Skilled local lawyers have experience litigating brain injury claims involving many different sorts of accidents.

Brain Injuries Symptoms in St. Tammany Parish

People can suffer physical and cognitive impacts following a brain injury.

Physical Symptoms

Some of the common physical effects and symptoms of a brain injury include:

  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Sleeping problems
  • Coma
  • Convulsions

These physical effects can be temporary or permanent and may have a significant effect on a victim’s day-to-day life.

Functional Cognitive Impacts

Some of the cognitive and mental impacts of a brain injury are as follows:

  • Confusion
  • Problems with concentration
  • Speech problems
  • Coordination problems
  • Memory loss
  • Change in personality or mood
  • Depression or irritability
  • Mental impairment

Some medical experts also believe that survivors of brain injuries are at increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease or Parkinson’s Disease. Courts consider the severity of a brain injury when awarding damages, and allocate more damages to more severe injuries. A compassionate local TBI attorney could present the medical evidence in the best light to demonstrate the severity of a claimant’s injury so that the claimant would be entitled to recover the maximum amount of compensation.

Possible Recoverable Damages

Fortunately, Louisiana does not usually put a cap on the recovery of damages in personal injury cases. Claimants are permitted pursue recovery of special damages to compensate them for their actual economic losses such as medical costs, rehabilitation expenses, and lost wages. They can also pursue recovery of general damages which cannot be given an exact dollar amount such as pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life. In certain limited circumstances involving motor vehicle accidents where it can be established that the defendant was operating under the influence, courts may also award punitive damages according to Louisiana Civil Code Article 2315.4.

Contact a Local Lawyer as Soon as Possible

Brain injuries can result in costly life-altering consequences. If somebody else caused your injuries, you should not have to bear the financial burden of those consequences. It is essential to have a hardworking attorney who will fight for your rights to compensation against the people responsible for your injuries. Call a St. Tammany Parish traumatic brain injury lawyer as soon as possible to see how they can work to assist you.