St. Helena Parish Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

When a reckless driver strikes an innocent pedestrian, they should be held accountable for their actions. A dedicated personal injury attorney can provide an injured pedestrian with this opportunity by helping them file a claim and pursue fair compensation for their injuries. If you were struck by a vehicle, call a St. Helena Parish pedestrian accident lawyer to discuss your legal options.

Damages Available in a Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit

When a pedestrian is involved in a vehicle collision, the resulting injuries can be devastating. While car crash victims may benefit from layers of protection provided by their vehicle, pedestrians are left more vulnerable to serious harm.

An essential responsibility of a St. Helena Parish pedestrian accident attorney is determining the extent of an accident victim’s damages by examining their injuries and losses from the accident. The law groups the damages available in a pedestrian accident into two categories: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic damages are intended to compensate an injury victim for losses that are easily measurable, such as medical bills or lost wages. Non-economic damages, on the other hand, do not typically include itemized costs, making it difficult to measure their value. These damages may include pain and suffering as well as the loss of enjoyment of life.

Medical Bills

An injured pedestrian is entitled to sue the person who caused their injuries for the value of medical bills accumulated due to the accident. These bills may cover emergency room treatment immediately after the accident as well as future medical expenses that accrue much later.

Lost Wages

If a pedestrian’s injury forces them to miss work, it could result in them losing the necessary income. Accordingly, an injured pedestrian can seek to recover the amount of wages they missed due to their injuries stemming from an accident.

Pain and Suffering

Depending on the circumstances, an accident victim may be able to pursue monetary compensation for the physical pain and emotional suffering they experienced due to a pedestrian accident. The value of this type of recovery changes on a case-by-case basis and is primarily determined by the severity of the accident and the victim’s injuries.

Permanent Disability

It is also possible to seek the costs associated with permanent disability expenses. These expenses may include long-term care or home modifications that are necessary to allow for wheelchairs or mobility scooters.

The Deadline to File a Lawsuit

The statute of limitations to file a civil suit is only one year after the date of the incident, according to at Louisiana Civil Code Article 3492. This limit is designed to prevent lengthy delays in filing and processing civil litigation.

If an injured party fails to file their claim before this deadline, the court can dismiss their lawsuit and bar them from receiving any compensation. A St. Helena Parish lawyer with experience in pedestrian accident claims can work to ensure that an injured claimant files their lawsuit before this statutory deadline.

Learn More from a St. Helena Parish Pedestrian Accident Attorney

If you suffered an injury in a pedestrian accident, you may have the right to file a lawsuit and pursue damages from the driver who struck you. Handling a lawsuit on your own can be challenging, but a dedicated St. Helena Parish pedestrian accident lawyer can simplify this process and help you effectively seek damages from the responsible party. Call today to learn more.